Fundraising for social influencers

Support your favorite causes or business and encourage fans to make an impact with a user-friendly fundraising platform for influencers to rally their network.

Influencer running a podcast with donations streaming in and a total dollars raised showing in the dashboard.

Get involved with fundraising for influencers

For social media influencers, online fundraising is a way to have an impact. With the right donation platform, you can do more than influence trends and conversations – you can influence the world.

Sign up today

Benefits of the best donation pages for influencers

Influencer philanthropy and social media go hand in hand, and the benefits go beyond the glow you get from giving back. Your supporters, your business, and your cause all benefit from influencer donations.

Raise awareness for your cause

You know the importance of storytelling. You do it every day. The top nonprofit influencers use those skills for their favorite cause. They also have a fundraising platform that helps them make that story compelling and shareable. Because when you reach a lot of people, you raise a lot of awareness.

Empower your active community

When your influencer donation platform makes it easy to not only share, but donate, you’ll raise more than awareness – you’ll raise money. With donation pages that are user-friendly, secure, and offer a variety of payment options, your supporters will feel empowered to give back and share your cause.

Cultivate relationships

Influencer life is all about relationships, and fundraising is no different. Make a connection by adding areas of interest to your donation form, then following up to let them know how they impacted that area. And use text messages to collect donations and provide updates. You’ll turn first-time donors into repeat supporters.

Expand your audience

Influencer donations are a benefit in themselves: You and your supporters get to give to a good cause and help those in need. But there’s a hidden benefit, too. Fundraising campaigns can help you reach audiences who might not otherwise see your message, expanding your influence even further. 

How to accept donations as an influencer

Sign up in less than five minutes

Set up a campaign page or form with our intuitive tools

Promote your fundraiser and gather your donations!

Why is Donately the best platform for influencers to get donations?

Ready to become one of the top-donating influencers? Donately makes it simple for you to support your cause, increase engagement, and take your campaigns to the next level.


Customizable Forms

Build fully customizable donation pages and forms. Match your website with custom backgrounds and fonts, plus collect donor information, set suggested donation amounts, and accept recurring donations.


P2P Fundraising

Expand your network by allowing fundraisers to create their own pages for your cause. Provide them with the platform they need to raise more donations while keeping your brand story consistent.


Data & integrations

Build fully customizable donation pages and forms. Match your website with custom backgrounds and fonts, plus collect donor information, set suggested donation amounts, and accept recurring donations.

Trusted by social influencers and community leaders alike

Secure Forms & Campaign Pages








What to look for in an influencer donation platform?

Influencers making donations can make a difference. But before you can change the world, you may need to change your fundraising platform. Does your platform for influencer donations have these features?

Easy to use

Spend your time building your brand, not your forms. You need simple yet customizable form builders, user-friendly dashboards, and code-free integrations with the tools you already use. 

Optimized on the go

Meet modern donors where they are: on their phones. Your donation platform should automatically adjust to any device and make it easy to donate from smaller screens and via text message. 


Help protect your donors’ data and your reputation with encryption as well as PCI and data privacy compliance. Donately works with top, trusted payment processors like PayPal and Stripe.

FAQs about influencer donations

How can influencers help nonprofits?

Influencers can help nonprofits raise money and awareness. Because many influencers have a built-in following online, they’re able to reach more people than a nonprofit would be able to on its own. They may also be able to reach new audiences. For example, an influencer could help a nonprofit with a traditionally older base reach younger demographics. 

How do I ask for influencer donations on social media?

Asking for donations on social media is as easy as setting up a campaign or form page and promoting it on your preferred networks. Tips for fundraising on social media include posting frequently and regularly, using hashtags to increase your reach, and making it easy for donors to share the fact that they donated.

What about collecting donations through social media directly? Facebook and Instagram influencer donations are allowed, but there may be rules about 501(c)(3) status or other requirements. Plus, you may not have access to donor data, your donations could be held for long periods of time, and there is no customer service.

What is the best platform for charity fundraising?

The best platform for influencers to get donations is one that is mobile-responsive, customizable, secure, and easy to use. It should also support P2P fundraising and provide insights, reporting, and the third-party integrations you need. This is where influencer donation platforms like Donately have an advantage over social media platforms.

Who are the top nonprofit influencers?

The nonprofit world is filled with influencers who have raised hundreds of millions of dollars, including fundraising consultant Gail Perry, speaker and author Dan Pallotta, and founder Matt Flannery. There are also examples you might not expect. Professional Twitch gamer Tyler Blevins (aka Ninja) and YouTuber Felix Kjellberg (aka PewDiePie) have raised millions for various causes, and creator Jesus Morales (aka Juixxe) has given more than $300,000 in TikTok influencer donations to California street vendors.

Still have questions?

Feel free to get in touch and we'd be happy to answer them.